Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Will The New Stimulus Bill Help?

I just got finished listening to news reports explaining what this new stimulus package is supposed to do to help homeowners. It looks to me that this new bill is going to help the banks more than it is going to help the people - especially the people who are now losing their homes to foreclosure.

I just can't understand why the President of the United States just can't put a moratorium on home foreclosures for say at least 5 years! Hilary Clinton, when she was a Senator, was able to do this so why can't Barack Obama be able to do the same thing on a larger scale? How much more relaxed and stress-free would it make people feel if the constant worry of losing their home was abated for a few years? Surely this could do nothing but help!

Clearly the banks are getting a lot of money and so is the auto industry!

I also took a look at the income tax booklet for this year and it just seems more complicated than ever!

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